For single packets, click here From the same breeder of the AAS Award Winning Red Torch and Sunset Torch comes another amazing color configuration! Both popular and eye-catching for its brick red fruits with bronze stripes, excellent, sweet taste, and superb texture. Prolific plants produce loads of oblong, crack-resistant fruits, and perform very well under most abiotic and biotic stresses. With an average Brix rating of 8.0, Bronze Torch is a garden delight as a fresh snack or in salads or salsas! Days to Maturity: 65 Sow Method: Start Indoors Sow Depth: ¼ Inch Spacing: 24 – 36 Inches Sun: Full Sun Fruit Weight: 1 – 2 Oz Indeterminate Catalog Page: 6
Bulk: Bronze Torch Hybrid Tomato Seeds
$9.25 – $16.50